Thursday, August 26, 2021

Three of our Christmas Anthologies £15.00


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As ever, the interpretation has been varied: the Island of Mull, thinking about things, often quite deeply, the odd mulled drink and even something used in making a book - how appropriate again. You will find a variety of styles here and an intriguing mix of voices. There is humour and pathos, some hard-hitting tales and some feel-good accounts. All to be mulled over.

Some fantastic writing was offered and the most of it was potentially publishable. We chose the pieces in this collection because they told a good story, had a strong voice and were imaginative in their interpretation of the theme.  
Buy all three books for £15.00 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Food Assembly Instructions


OK, you've now got a kitchen - but what can you do with it? You could prepare endless rounds of beans on toast. Or you could try something equally easy but far more interesting. This little book will try and help steer you towards the latter.

Ideal for young people living away from home for the first time. Oddly, that's how it all began.  

RRP  £8.00

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Easy to follow basic recipes (e.g. pancakes, kedgeree) and some great special occasion stuff too (e.g. pears with stilton). I was pleased to see that there are a lot of recipes for veggies like me plus plenty of non-vegetarian recipes for my boyfriend.

I know I will get a lot of use out of this book.  
ISBN: 9780955791000

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Making Changes


RRP: £9.00
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Glad to see the short story collections are out there. Lots of excellent stories, one for every mood you might be in. New talented authors with great style and most importantly - they write stories for the reader to enjoy not to impress with literary prowess. Recommended! 
I really enjoyed the short stories in "Making Changes." I find it hard to find the time to read a novel as all too often I get started and then stop, and then lose interest. So I decided to give this anthology a try.

The stories here are quite intriguing, and some are really thought-provoking. Most of them are uplifting in some way, which feel just right for this time of year, but there are darker tales if that's your thing. The book would be a good read for teenagers as well as adults. Recommended. 
This is a book which is perfect for all short story lovers. Great entertainment with a variety of styles and themes. A perfect present for those readers who like to be entertained as opposed to being shocked. It's good to see a collection of stories by up and coming new authors - excellent entertainment all round.  
A.J. Humphrey, Annie Bates, Debz Hobbs-Wyatt, Gill James, Ian Charles Douglas, Jean Lyon, Jenny Robertson, Joyce Hicks, Linda Lewis, Michael O’Connor, Noreen Wainwright, Nurgish Watkins, Oscar Peebles, Phillip Dean Thomas, Rebecca Holmes, Rosemary A. Bach-Holzer, Rosemary Gemmell, Sally Angell, Sarah R. Harris, Wendy Busby, Yvonne Eve Walus.  
ISBN: 9780955791055  

Friday, August 20, 2021

In the Shadow of the Red Queen


We hope you will enjoy this collection of short stories.They have been selected because we hoped that each one of them would either make you laugh or cry or at least muse a little about the glorious game that is life. One of our authors introduced the Red Queen and it became apparent that she is a little like Jung’s goddess. If we use our imagination a little we can plot her trajectory in most of our stories. Hence our title. She can be bitterly cruel but also has a wicked sense of humour. Yet she has a sense of fair play and knows all about unconditional love. 
RRP: £9.00
Note, this is an affiliate link and a small portion of what you pay, at no extra cost to you,  may go to Bridge House Publishing.  
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Teresa Ashby, Annie Bates, Paul A. Freeman, Anne Goodwin, Lynne Hackles, Debz Hobbs-Wyatt, Rebecca Holmes, Linda Lewis, Susanne Martin, Michael O’Connor, Julie Swan, Phil Dean Thomas,Nesta Tuomey, Nurgish Watkins, Rachel C Zaino. 
ISBN: 9780955791062 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

A Suitcase Full of Stories


In this suitcase full of fun there is a story for every day of your two week holiday, including the day you set off and the day you come home. There are mysteries, everyday stories, stories about people from other planets, adventure stories and much, much more.
Maybe you too would like to go to a land filled with dragons behind a strange mirror, or perhaps you would like a pair of spectacles that make everything seem bigger. On the other hand, you might see colours and hear sounds that other people aren’t aware of.

 RRP: £7.00

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Alan James Brown, Pauline Burgess, Victoria Connelly, Ruth Eastham-Paoli, Rosemary Gemmell, Lynne Hackles, Gill James, Jane Kelly, Leona Matuszczak, Clarissa Pattern, Christina Raven, Clare Reddaway, Philippa Roberts, Lisa Joy Smith, Jeannette Towey.
ISBN: 9780955791079 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Alternative Renditions


Have you ever wondered why the Emperor was daft enough to go out in the nude? Or exactly why the ugly sisters were so mean to Cinderella? Or how a stepmother could be so cruel to her husband’s children? Or maybe you’ve wondered how a modern day Rapunzel, Snow White or Goldilocks might turn out? Have you ever thought how onlookers may have seen it all? Maybe the nosey neighbour who really only meant well? And what was she like, the Little Mermaid’s doting grandmother who only wanted the best for her dear granddaughter?
Aren’t these stories universal anyway, and doesn’t every culture have their own version of them? We hope you will find the answers to all of these questions in this collection of well-crafted stories.

RRP £9.00 

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Amanda Addison, Annie Bates, Dawn Bush, Sarah England, Kathleen Howarth, Liz Kneil, Linda Lewis, Lisa Joy Smith, Lynley Stace, Allison Symes, Lois Tuffield, Kathryn Wood.  
ISBN: 9780955791031  

Monday, August 16, 2021




There’s always something a bit scary about a ghost story. Somehow, though, when you read a collection of them you’re expecting to meet a spook or two. It takes a little more effort to frighten the reader. We hope we’ve managed to do just that with this bunch of tales and our striking cover. We hope as well you’ll find the stories as different from each other as they are from the normal ghost story.

RRP £8.00 

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Sally Angell, Teresa Ashby, Rosemary Bach-Holzer, Adam Bealby, April Bosshard, Nicola Cleasby,
Carol Croxton, Paul A. Freeman, Danny Gillan, Catherine Greene, Alyson Hilbourne, Rebecca Holmes, A.J. Humphrey, Boo Irwin, Sophie Jackson, Jean Lyon, Susanne Martin, Clare Reddaway, Geraldine Ryan, Glynis Scrivens, Amanda Sington-Williams, Mark R. Smith, Paul Starkey. 
ISBN:  9780955791093

Saturday, August 14, 2021

An Advent Calendar of Stories



 We hope reading or listening to this collection of stories will delight you. There is one for each day of Advent, though there is little in the content of this book directly to do with the Christian religion.  Other than that, most of the stories celebrate life in all of its diversity.

Whether you are a child reading on your own, a parent or a teacher reading to a child, or just someone like me who can’t resist a good story, you are sure to find something to appeal in this collection.

RRP £7.00 

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Sally Angell, Alan James Brown, Joan Fleming, Rosemary Gemmell, Lynne Hackles, Liz Kneil, Phil Kurthausen, Joan Locock, Lorelli Mojica, Dulcinea Norton-Smith, Oscar Peebles, Philippa Rae,
Jenny Robertson, Lisa Joy Smith, Suzanne Stanton, Sally J. Tarpey, Noreen Wainwright, Nick White. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Twelve Days


The Christmas activities are over, but the days are still dark and short. You may still be hibernating and so may have more time than normal for yourself. As we move towards and into the New Year you may wish to take stock a little, think a little deeper and read a little more seriously. If all of this is true, then this is the book for you.

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This is an interesting collection of short stories from some very talented writers. I love the short story as a form and wish that it was generally more popular so there would be more books out there of this quality and getting the attention they deserve.  
Annie Bates, Ruth Eastham-Paoli, Anne Goodwin, Debz Hobbs-Wyatt, Rebecca Holmes, Robin Jarossi, Clarissa Pattern, Geraldine Ryan, Julie Swan, Phil Thomas, Jeannette Towey, Kadian Wilson. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Prophecy


Kaleem Malkendy is different – and on Terrestra, different is no way to be.
Everything about Kaleem marks him out form the rest: the blond hair and dark skin, the uncomfortable cave where he lives and the fact that he doesn’t know his father. He’s used to unwelcome attention, but even so he’d feel better if some strange old man didn’t keep following him around.
That man introduces himself and begins to explain the Babel Prophecy – and everything in Kaleem’s life changes forever.  

RRP: £11.00 

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The Prophecy is a novel I hadn't heard much about until I picked it up last week. As someone who adores all things futuristic the premise defintely appealed to me, but I hadn't seen many reviews and so I wasn't sure what to expect. As it turns out, I was pleasantly surprised by this absorbing and unusual story set in the Earth's far distant future.
do not usually read young adult novels but I have to say this one had me gripped from the start. Set over 1000 years in the future, The Prophecy, as the name suggests, is centred around fulfilling a prophecy about peace at a time when people from different planets do not accept people for their differences and hence do not always live in harmony. The main protagonist Kaleem is unwittingly part of this prophecy. He has always been chastised for being different- but he is more different than he realises and is a Peace Child who has to fulfil The Babel Prophecy and restore univeral harmony. This book is a quest but one that deals with love, war,languages, being different and hope.
really enjoyed reading this book. There's loads of great descriptions about future technology and how different people live. The main character is likeable and although he's the hero of the story he makes mistakes which he learns from and isn't perfect, making him much more realistic.  
ISBN: 9780955791086 

The Sheepdog Who Didn't Like Sheep by Wendy Beasley

  Can the bond between her and a reluctant sheepdog help her deal with disappointment? With her feelings of rejection and the rivalry betw...