Sunday, August 28, 2022

Buy Because Sometimes Something Extraordinary Happens and Other Ways of Being as a bundle



Seventeen short stories by Debz Hobbs-Wyatt from over a decade of competition wins and shortlistings. Featuring Learning to Fly, winner of the inaugural Bath Short Story Award; Chutney, shortlisted in the Commonwealth Short Story Prize, and Pushcart-nominated The Theory of Circles.

Meet a mixture of beguiling narrators, from seven-year-old Leonardo Renoir Hope trying to change the past so his dad doesn’t die, and George and his carrot-growing friends on an east London allotment waiting for the world to end, to Amy Fisher who realises that her husband, after his sudden death, is not who she thinks he is… but who is the other Mrs Fisher? This one adds a touch of medical horror to the mix.

All of the stories are about ordinary people when extraordinary things happen to them.


RRP £9.00 

Other Ways of Being is an anthology of stories that ask us many questions about:

  • otherness: Is a stranger a threat or is he just trying to help? It may be as clever as being a fortune-teller but is it helpful?
  • other times: Is the wild woman really a little girl that she used to know? Will they be safe now or should they worry about the bright soldiers marching? Which horror does the deep sleeper hide?
  • other histories: Who was that strange child? How did they manage to feed so many people?
  • other worlds: Can a couple remain together even when their natures threaten to keep them apart? Is a seemingly incompetent wizard cleverer than he seems? What happens when an alien makes a mistake and almost gives himself away? Do animals help each other in their struggle against the damage that humans are doing? Who exactly is the lady in blue? Is Bradley’s the best story ever?
  • our near futures: Can a man survive in a dystopian future if he has no more human contact? What can ATMs do when society goes moneyless? What happens when the money runs out? Just how smart will the smartphone get? Or driverless cars for that matter? Where will we find sanctuary when the extremists start winning? What happens to the clones when the blueprint gets sick?
  • other sexualities and genders: Will we get used to Toni?

Does this collection supply the answers to those questions? That is for the reader to decide.


Buy both together for £15.00


Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Crispin Chronicles by Dawn Knox



Join Crispin, the Marble Elf, in Her Ladyship's secret, fantastical Garden, where Gnomes, Cockney Leprechauns, Cherubs, Trolls and Pole-Dancing Fairies live, love and laugh. But watch out for the Shed of No Return – the clue is in the name. And keep upwind of the begonias where Gusty Bob, the flatulent Toad is usually found. Oh, and don’t trip over the Wooden Robin; he’s likely to stop at short notice to pull up his socks.

The Crispin Chronicles is the third belly-laugh inducing book in Dawn Knox’s Chronicles series. All three have been serialised in CaféLit.

RRP £10.00 

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Buy form us (5+ books)
Dawn Knox is a world builder of extraordinary ingenuity. In this novel she serves us with an entrée of Terry Pratchett, a main of Lewis Caroll with a side order of Mervyn Peake. The Chrispin Chronicles is a huge toy box jammed packed with fantastical creatures and characters. And here’s the good news, there’s still room for you.
A garden full of gnomes, but who could believe they live in a thriving, frantic, and funny community mirroring human society? It doesn't take more than a few pages to become immersed in the characters who come to life in this wonderful book for grown up's. One of those rare truly laugh-out-loud books.
And, if you like this there are two companions, 'The Macaroon Chronicles' and 'The Basilwade Chronicles', from this very talented author. Equally humorous but deliciously different.
What a delightful author Dawn is! She brings to life inanimate objects or garden creatures so that you are drawn into their world and end up believing they are real. This book is no different. Enter the world of garden gnomes, elves, fairies, a toad and the most delightful Robin whose socks keep falling down. Who knew Robins wore socks!! Lots of adventures to be had in the garden and even a wedding. Truly delightful!  

The Crispin Chronicles by Dawn Knox is simply a wonderfully humorous piece of escapist fun. Set in Her Ladyship’s fantastical magic garden, the story revolves around a collection of elves, gnomes, fairies, trolls, cherubs, slugs, and other amazing inhabitants of this arboreal wonderland. Told from the perspective of Crispin the Marble Elf, readers observe the hilarious antics of the other members of this unusual community.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Flash Fiction Offer



This anthology of women's fiction, this collection of very short stories, some might say a flash collection, is thought-provoking and each story is based upon a tweet. Except that each piece is 140 words long and not 140 characters.

They were collected over three years and edited for another nine months.

RRP £7.00 


These stories were written one a day throughout January 2013. They were originally published on a blog called Gill’s January Stones. In fact, they were published in reverse order. The first one you read here, When Physics Got Sick, was the last one to be written and originally published on 31 January 2016.

Sometimes the stories would come right at the beginning of the day. Sometimes they would take a while longer.

Do they have a theme? Not really, though the idea of ‘stones’ is one of turning them over slowly on the beach until we find the right one. It’s not a bad time of year, anyway, right at the beginning in January, as the New Year starts and the days slowly become longer.

There was no strict word count. Each story is as long as it needs to be. It had to be finished, though, by midnight of that day.

RRP £6.00


Get both paperbacks together for £9.00


Remember-if you buy five or more books from our online shop, shipping is waived.

The Sheepdog Who Didn't Like Sheep by Wendy Beasley

  Can the bond between her and a reluctant sheepdog help her deal with disappointment? With her feelings of rejection and the rivalry betw...