Friday, August 13, 2021

Twelve Days


The Christmas activities are over, but the days are still dark and short. You may still be hibernating and so may have more time than normal for yourself. As we move towards and into the New Year you may wish to take stock a little, think a little deeper and read a little more seriously. If all of this is true, then this is the book for you.

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This is an interesting collection of short stories from some very talented writers. I love the short story as a form and wish that it was generally more popular so there would be more books out there of this quality and getting the attention they deserve.  
Annie Bates, Ruth Eastham-Paoli, Anne Goodwin, Debz Hobbs-Wyatt, Rebecca Holmes, Robin Jarossi, Clarissa Pattern, Geraldine Ryan, Julie Swan, Phil Thomas, Jeannette Towey, Kadian Wilson. 

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