There are three prompts a day for the whole of 2023. Some are short and pithy, others are inspired by obscure days e.g. 8 January Bubble Bath Day, and some go into more detail on an aspect of writing craft. There are series that go over a number of days. A few prompts are about works in progress and several give you the choice of working with a text you have already created, creating something new or even editing a completed piece of work. But every prompt gives you the opportunity to write something as well.
These prompts were put together by writers published by the Bridge House, CaféLit and Chapeltown imprints, and their friends.
Happy writing!
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portion of what you pay may go to Bridge House publishing.
James is a great asset to all writers, especially those who hope to
publish their short stories and possibly earn money. If you've heard of
Bridge House Publishing or Café Lit, you will know this powerhouse of
There are several prompts for each day of the
year. So ... I am going to complete 366 pieces of writing, mainly
fiction flashes, because I am a slow writer. Only I shall start today,
16th March 2023. Who will join me?