Thursday, November 18, 2021

Two excellent collections of short stories for £12.00


Resilience is a single author collection from Bridge House Publishing. Jim Bates has a well-established voice and he brings us a substantial collection of emotionally-rich, thought-provoking stories.

RRP £9.00 

This collection of heart-felt short stories covers a huge array of emotions. Each story has a wonderful set of characters, all with an beautiful tale to tell as we step into their shoes and walk with them.'

'This is a lovely collection of short stories. Something that pervades the book is Jim’s focus on family and loving relationships, which feels positive and hopeful. '
'Reading the 27 stories in Resilience, the collection of short stories by Jim Bates, is like listening to one heartfelt tune after another being sung by 27 singers and never hearing an off-note. ' 

In this haunting collection, one of Jesse Falzoi’s characters imagines the word “Wuthering” means “From all directions and never the one you anticipated.” Using this definition, these are Wuthering stories, coming at life from many angles, each one full of surprise and illumination. Falzoi’s characters thrum with yearning—for connection, for meaning, for a place to be, to belong. They will find a permanent home inside your heart.

RRP £8.00

Jesse Falzoi’s A Place to Be is a collection of stories that burn in you long after you have read them - be prepared to be haunted by a strong voice, a strong sense of place and a strong energy driving each story. Falzoi is a hybrid AS Byatt and Raymond Carver - she combines an urgent, existential stark Minimalism with a complex tapestry of rich inner lives of her characters. Each story is a lattice, a delightful,  delicately woven fabric where relationships are held together by the finest of threads. These stories are sensitively told, emotionally taut, the words  explosive, the form inventive. A Place to Be is Einstein's cottage in candlelight, a chance encounter in the back seat of an ex-pimp's car in a barren nowhere place in Northern California, being barricaded with a mother and her children in an apartment in a post apocalyptic black out: these stories will surprise and dance in you, and burn their way into your heart.

Buy both together for just £12.00, including shipping.


Friday, November 12, 2021



What if?

All good stories and novels begin very simply when the author asks the question, “What if…?” In the fourteen stories in Speculations the author offers each solution while leaving it up to you to figure out the “what if…?” question that each tale alludes to.

Each story is an intriguing journey into the realms of imagination, fantasy and the incredible. Some of the places you will be taken in this book include the inner mind of a creature that remains on Earth long after the human race has been eliminated; a world that exports a tasty treat that originates in a quite unsavory place; and an all-knowing, all powerful alien machine which can do literally anything at all.

You will be enthralled, delighted, shocked and amazed as you read the stories in this anthology. It is a fascinating journey quite worth taking. All you need to do is open your mind and enjoy the ride.

Welcome to Speculations


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Buy from us (5+ books) 
A splendid collection of fourteen short stories based upon 'What If...' Speculative fiction, sometimes with humour. This author invites the reader to wonder, with him, about machines, other universes and time travel. The first story, 'The Devil Bird', funny and challenging, drew me in immediately.
ISBN: 9781914199080

There's More to Life than Death by Anne Forrest

  Behind the death of a person, a building or a place, life goes on. Here is a strong sense of many places: rural North Wales, a quarry,...