Keepsake and Other Stories is an anthology of short stories by
one of the growing number of brave women writers. Jenny Palmer brings us
stories of otherness, witchcraft and magic close to home and further
afield within Europe. We meet all sorts of characters: those who rely on
guard dogs, those who shun social media and those who are obsessed. We
even meet a Neanderthal man. There are paranormal stories, a story of
bad neighbours, and a story of redundancy. And many more. All to be
Within the pages of Days Pass like a Shadow
are thirteen dark tales covering the theme of death and loss. At the
centre of every story is a beating heart. For the reader to make the
journey to that centre, along the flowing veins of the words, all they
need is a few minutes during a lunch break, or at the end of the day.
The reader will be introduced to a rich and diverse collection of
characters - a gardener, a serial killer, a time traveller, a
sleepwalker and many more.
On the Streets of Kabul, which
is set in Afghanistan, a soldier faces a life-threatening situation
while searching for his missing comrade and childhood friend among the
narrow alleys. Perfect Justice finds a secretary planning a murder. Shelved takes a reader into the unusual librarian's office, while Burning the Midnight Oil has a son uncovering the truth about his dying mother.
So put your feet up, relax with a cup, or glass of your favourite beverage and let's begin with The Meetings...
What if?
All good stories and novels begin very simply when the author asks the question, “What if…?” In the fourteen stories in Speculations the author offers each solution while leaving it up to you to figure out the “what if…?” question that each tale alludes to.
story is an intriguing journey into the realms of imagination, fantasy
and the incredible. Some of the places you will be taken in this book
include the inner mind of a creature that remains on Earth long after
the human race has been eliminated; a world that exports a tasty treat
that originates in a quite unsavory place; and an all-knowing, all
powerful alien machine which can do literally anything at all.
will be enthralled, delighted, shocked and amazed as you read the
stories in this anthology. It is a fascinating journey quite worth
taking. All you need to do is open your mind and enjoy the ride.
Welcome to Speculations!
All three paperbacks for just £18.00