Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Best of CafeLit 13


This year contributors were asked to select stories they enjoyed the most. For each story they had published, they could select one. This produced quite a long list. There is real mixture of authors here: ones we’ve published several times and know really well, others we are just getting to know, and some who are published with us for the very first time.

Each story in this little volume is the right length and quality for enjoying as you sip the assigned drink in your favourite Creative Café. You need never feel alone again in a café. So what’s the mood today? Espresso? Earl Grey tea? Hot chocolate with marshmallows? You'll find most drinks in our drinks index.

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Jim Bates, Amta Basu, Lynn  Clement, Dawn DeBraal, Tony Domaille, Jacki Donellan, Jenny Edgerley,  P. A. farrell, Maxine Flam, Lynda Flynn, Sam Hendley, Gill James, Leonie Jarrett, Dawn Knox, Bonita LeFlore, Logan Markko, Eamon O' Leary, Jenny Palmer, Mari Phillips, Paula R.C Readman, Hannah Retallick,  Penny Rogers, Judith Skilleter, Kathrin Spinnler, Jane Spirit, Alllison Symes, Philip Temples, June Webber, P. A. Westgate, Robin Wrigley,  S. Nadja Zajdman, Sally Zigmond, 
Some very short indeed and some much longer. Some serious and some light-hearted. My favourite was 'Tick Tick' by Jacki Donellan in which people were likened to musical time signatures - an intriguing idea.
All the stories have appeared initially on the CafeLit website. This is the latest in 'The Best of CafeLit' series, featuring regular CafeLit authors, such as Allison Symes, Jim Bates, Paula Readman and Hannah Retallick. A thoroughly good read.

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