Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Light in the Dark


We asked for stories that would make readers think. We certainly got them. Some edge towards the dark, though all have some closure and turn back towards the light. Just as Advent time rushes towards the darkest days so that we can return to the light, these twenty-four stories bring light into our dark.
RRP £9.00 

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Sarah Bakewell, Ruth Cowling, Tracy Davidson, Daniel Dowsing, Sarah Evans, Jesse Falzoi, James Farnham, Tracy Fells, Athol Henry, Marc Owen Jones, Catrin Kean, Madeleine McDonald, Don Nixon,
Ben Osborn, Paula R.C. Readman, L F Roth, Glynis Scrivens, Helen Shay, Matthew Temple, The Viking, Melanie Whipman, Anne Wilson, William Wilson. 
ISBN: 9781907335372

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