Thursday, May 13, 2021

Because Sometimes Something Extraordinary Happens


Seventeen short stories by Debz Hobbs-Wyatt from over a decade of competition wins and shortlistings. Featuring Learning to Fly, winner of the inaugural Bath Short Story Award; Chutney, shortlisted in the Commonwealth Short Story Prize, and Pushcart-nominated The Theory of Circles.

Meet a mixture of beguiling narrators, from seven-year-old Leonardo Renoir Hope trying to change the past so his dad doesn’t die, and George and his carrot-growing friends on an east London allotment waiting for the world to end, to Amy Fisher who realises that her husband, after his sudden death, is not who she thinks he is… but who is the other Mrs Fisher? This one adds a touch of medical horror to the mix.

All of the stories are about ordinary people when extraordinary things happen to them.


RRP £9.00 

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Empathetic, inventive, and prize-winning for a reason. ‘Chutney’ is one of my favourites – well deserving of the Commonwealth shortlisting – as well as ‘We Went There’, which has remained lodged in my mind, and finally ‘Goldfish Parade’, a glimpse into Debz Hobbs-Wyatt Brown.
An amazing collection of short stories, which are full of brilliant well drawn characters. Two that stand out for me are 'I am Wolf' & 'When the Bees Die'. Both have a powerful voices and messages. There are three award winning stories in the collection too.
A great book to have while you're on the go. One to dip into when time you have a moment to spare. 
What an inspiring collection of short stories and it is no surprise to find they are award-winning. Each story was intriguing, almost teasing as it unfolded and I found it impossible to predict how each story would end but each ending was a satisfactory conclusion to a most enjoyable journey. Highly recommended.   

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