Friday, April 16, 2021

The Best of CafeLit 9


We asked those writers who were published in "The Best of CaféLit 8" to vote for their five favourite stories published on the CaféLit web site in 2019. We awarded five points for number one choices, four for number two and so on. These are the stories that received the most votes.

Each story in this little volume is the right length and quality for enjoying as you sip the assigned drink in your favourite Creative Café. You need never feel alone again in a café. So what's the mood today? Espresso? Earl Grey tea? Hot chocolate with marshmallows? You'll find most drinks in our drinks index.

 RRP  £9.00

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"Anthology of stories previously appearing on CafeLit website, voted for by CafeLit contributors. All written to a professional standard, with well-developed story arcs and a clear thread, even those stories of only a few hundred words. Many (but not all) pieces have a leaning towards the paranormal, like 'No Laughing Matter', a story about a vampire with dental problems, by Paula Readman.
Two stories stood out from the rest. 'Unspoken, Unheard' by Hannah Retallick was written in a jocular, almost humorous, style but with a pervasive message about rude treatment of waiters/waitresses. Debz Hobbs-Wyatt broke our hearts in 'Looking for Graceland', concerning an elderly mother with dementia and fantasising about Elvis.
An ideal Christmas present for a relative who reads!"  
Jim Bates, Mason Bushell, Maxine Churchman, Ray Daley, Matthew Roy Davey, Dawn DeBraal, Debz HobbsWyatt, Pauline Howard, Janet Howson, Gill James, Dawn Knox, Yasmine Lever,  Wendie Lovell,  Kim Martins, Wendy  Pike, Mark Readman, Paula R C Readman, Hannah Retallick, Penny Rogers, Luke S., Allison Symes, Al;ex Womack, Robin Wrigley, Sally Zigmond
ISBN: 9781910542545

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