Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Days Pass Like a Shadow by Paula R C Readman


Within the pages of Days Pass like a Shadow are thirteen dark tales covering the theme of death and loss. At the centre of every story is a beating heart. For the reader to make the journey to that centre, along the flowing veins of the words, all they need is a few minutes during a lunch break, or at the end of the day. The reader will be introduced to a rich and diverse collection of characters - a gardener, a serial killer, a time traveller, a sleepwalker and many more.

On the Streets of Kabul, which is set in Afghanistan, a soldier faces a life-threatening situation while searching for his missing comrade and childhood friend among the narrow alleys. Perfect Justice finds a secretary planning a murder. Shelved takes a reader into the unusual librarian's office, while Burning the Midnight Oil has a son uncovering the truth about his dying mother.

So put your feet up, relax with a cup, or glass of your favourite beverage and let's begin with The Meetings...


RRP £9.00

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Thirteen very different stories, each in its own time and location, but all connected by death and loss. There is something here for everyone. I enjoyed each and every story. You are pulled in from the very first word. The New Comers was a particularly powerful and heart rending tale, thank fully it ended on a lighter note.  
A super collection of stories with a fab cast of characters. Characters for me make a story (or break it) but all of the stories in this collection are winners. I enjoyed this immensely. 
Loved reading Days Pass Like a Shadow!
There was enough intrigue to keep reading on! The characters just grew loved every story and the bread crumbs that was left to make sure that I kept going turning the pages. Well written loved every single story.  
ISBN: 9781907335808 

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