Thursday, January 23, 2025

White Moon by Mehreen Ahmed


White Moon is a collection of avant-garde short stories, micro and flash fiction.

Together they bring a stronger message than they do individually. The incidents in this book depict imaginary characters and events underpinned by dreamlike, strong surrealistic, even esoteric connections. The narratives bring together a unique blend of absorbing, entertaining and otherworldly experience.

As ever Mehreen Ahmed brings a strong and convincing voice to all of the texts. Enjoy the surreal and dreamlike quality of these stories.

RRP Paperback £9.00, Kindle £2.30

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The tales are timeless treasures to read!

Once again, Mehreen Ahmed’s prowess in weaving proficient, literary narratives to convey her distinctive creativity and imagination, is affirmed in this anthology of short tales.


The core-theme of the stories revolves around the intriguing intricacies of love as expressed in various phases of love found, love lost and love found again.


What makes it very interesting to read is Mehreen's exceptional creativity in storytelling is expressed in boundless, symbolic and timeless ways. The tales of love are expressed in mythical, legendary, periodical, spatial and even how love unfolds and forms in the current times of online, cyber age.


No wonder some of the tales included in this anthology won awards and recognition. The author I am sure put a lot of time polishing the tales, thus the become timeless treasures to read!


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