Thursday, October 17, 2024

Beside Another Sea by David Lythgoe


These poems are inspired by David Lythgoe’s world-wide travels, the natural world, our place in the universe, and a (still) developing love of being alive. The poems follow a sequence in which each poem has a connection, sometimes tenuous, with those immediately before and behind. Consequently, you may find here juxtapositions where pathos is followed by unexpected joy, spirituality is intertwined with humour and mundane life engages with the cosmos.

David Lythgoe will certainly invite you to look again at nature in Beside Another Sea, his fourth book of poetry.

“I like the way it evokes the past … and yet connects with the present … at the same time containing an element of lightness – even of joking – which is entertaining to the reader.”
Andrew Motion, Poet Laureate emeritus

“David has won awards for his writing and … he unearths feelings as much as facts … his background enables him to merge a travelogue with classical literary, and scientific linguistic devices. In short this collection is a selection of gems to hold, to treasure and to reflect upon. The cliché would be to say, ‘enjoy’. This you will do, but expect also to be moved, perhaps to weep, to sigh, to laugh but, above all, to be grateful for such gifts, skill and insight that have been shared.”
Revd. Dr Andrew Pratt

RRP paperback £7.00 / Kindle £2.30

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I don't usually read poetry, but I was given this book by a friend, and read it on the train journey home. The book is full of such a variety of themes. I particularly liked First Date. Who knew you could say so much in only 3 verses! I also liked Meditation about losing yourself when playing piano. Probably my favourite, is Grief, written, I imagine, by someone who's experienced the loss of the love of his life. Yet David Lythgoe has intertwined the sadness with positive advice. I'll put it in my 'Dying Tidily' file - but hope that won't be needed for a while.

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