Saturday, May 29, 2021

Brightly Coloured Horses


Twenty-seven tales of betrayal and loss, of dreams and hopes, of lovers, liars and cheats. Stories with a strong sense of place, transporting us from the seashore to the city, from India's monsoon to the heat of Cuba, and from the supermarket aisle to a Catalonian fiesta. We meet a baby that never existed, a car called Marilyn, a one-eyed cat, and a boy whose kisses taste of dunked biscuits.

These stories all have something in common; each is a glimpse of what it's like to be human. We make mistakes, we do our best, and most of the time we find hope.

RRP £6.00

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This is Huggins’ first anthology, but these are not the stories of a beginner. She is a talented writer of the human state of mind who chooses every single word with care, and makes every single word work hard to convey its meaning. It has to in a flash fiction story; there is no space for indulgence on the part of the writer.
magine opening a box of luxury chocolates. There's enough to pick and mix to suit everyone. There's so many choices of times, places and emotions for any mood. Yet here are my absolute favourites. Your Own Children for its wistful sadness, Junk because it shows me how motherhood can go off track, Flight Path because it is classic flash fiction, profound but fleeting and also Blood Red. Tomorrow my choice could be totally different. A stunning anthology. More please, Mandy.  
A mind blowing collection of flash fiction stories. So many great windows of life in it, I don’t know where to start. Perfect Word - loved it. Only the Best- brilliant, but sad. To be the Beach -great tension. Twenty Dollar Shoes - too sad. Blood Red - clever.
Sorry just believe me I could tell you my views of the rest but it would be more enjoyable for you to read them yourself.
ISBN: 9781910542194 

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