Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Mulling It Over


As ever, the interpretation has been varied: the Island of Mull, thinking about things, often quite deeply, the odd mulled drink and even something used in making a book - how appropriate again. You will find a variety of styles here and an intriguing mix of voices. There is humour and pathos, some hard-hitting tales and some feel-good accounts. All to be mulled over.

RRP £9.00 

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'I have enjoyed reading many of the stories in this book - they are really fun to read and they do trigger your mind. Quirky, funny, and unique, as different writers carry different voices to their stories. I am familiar with several of the writers in this collection, and I am also pleased to get to know new writers in this collection. 'The Island of Mull' is a great concept - we all have had plenty to mull over in 2020. It's a great collection of stories. Very well done!'

Sally Angell, Jim Bates, Christopher Bowles, Margaret Bulleyment, Elizabeth Cox, Jeanne Davies, Dawn DeBraal, Linda Flynn,  Janet Howson, Dawn Knox, Stuart Larner, Cathy Leonard, Maeve Murphy, Tony Oswick, Linda W Payne, Paula R C Readman, Hannah Retallick, Penny Rogers, L. F. Roth, C L Spillard, Dianne Stadhams, Allison Symes, Steve Wade, S. Nadja Zajdman, 15
ISBN: 9781907335938 

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